Water Storage Facilities
Marblehead, Massachusetts

Project Scope
The Town of Marblehead Village Street Water Tank is at the end of its useful life. It is a riveted steel tank at 100 years of full time use. The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners hired Haley Ward to review the options for replacement.
The study looked at the municipal storage requirements for the Town. Options for ground level and elevated water storage tanks were evaluated at the Village Street site as well as other open spaces within Town. Pumped storage options were also evaluated.
The system receives its water from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority that serves the Boston metropolitan area. Water is boosted to the support the local system pressure requirements during peak use periods. The Board of Water Commissioners accepted our recommendation to remove the tank form service and rely on a second existing tank plus available storage within the regional suppliers system. Our report modeled available fire flows with and without the tank in service.
As part of the the decision to not replace the older tower, a series of improvements were developed to improve the reliability of the supply and booster pumping equipment. Haley Ward designed and implemented an upgrade of the Tedesco Booster Pump Station. Two (2) 6500 gallon per minute pumps were installed with variable frequency drives. The station electrical supply was also updated with a new diesel generator and power distribution system.
With the pumping equipment updated, the Town is now moving forward with removal of the 94 foot riveted steel tank. The existing tank supports municipal communications and SCADA antennae, microwave dishes and a wide area network system. Area at the tank dome is also leased to a personal wireless company. Haley and Ward designed a municipal communications monopole for the site to accept the municipal communication equipment and to provide lease areas for cellular providers.
The installation of the tower was recently completed. Once the communication antennae and equipment are relocated or replaced on the new tower, the final removal and decommissioning of the tank can be completed. Haley Ward is currently in the process of preparing this design and bid documentation.
Project Data
Water Tank at the End of its Useful Life | A Variety of Options Evaluated |