Community Support

At our heart, we are a team of problem solvers whether that is to our clients or to the communities we support. We practice that through stewardship- one of our core values where we contribute positively to the communities we serve and the environment through financial support, giving our time, and practicing conservation.

We have a long history of supporting many great causes that positively affect change in our communities. To request sponsorship from Haley Ward, please complete submit a request through our contact us page. Please include your contact information, due date if necessary, and any relevant information that will help our sponsorship committee make a decision.

photo of table covered in school supplies for the united way school supply drive

In an ongoing effort to contribute to the communities that we serve, Haley Ward’s Brewer office participated in the “Fill the Bus” campaign for the United Way of Eastern Maine. Items collected will benefit local area children in need as they get ready to head back to school.
Our engineering division raised $500 for supplies with all other departments bringing in generous donations throughout the week. The Haley Ward Brewer employees achieved their goal of making this the biggest in-office fundraiser yet!

Haley Ward conducts stormwater awareness demonstrations to the City of Lewiston school children on an annual basis. This fun filled day of learning includes in informational presentations, demonstrations with the State of Maine stormwater model, exercises in identifying pollutants in water samples, and even learning how to make your own ice cream using rock salt!

Community Support Photo of a State of Maine stormwater model for stormwater awareness demonstrations for school children
Community Support photo of two men standing at the darling's ice cream truck

Ice cream + supporting a good cause = happy employees! Haley Ward hosted the Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause truck. This was a delicious way to raise funds for the American Heart/Stroke Association! As you can see, our President/CEO Denis St. Peter had a very hard decision to make. Which flavor do you think he chose?

Haley Ward employees held a donation drive for the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter. Employees collected items that meet everyday basic needs such as: toiletries, clothing, and cleaning supplies. They even sent over some Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons gift cards so that residents could have a little treat.

Community Support photo of items donated for the bangor homeless drive
Community Support photo of a black lab puppy sitting in front of dog and cat food stacked on and under a table

It’s a proven fact that elderly people do better living on their own when they have a pet! Haley Ward employees at the collected dog and cat food for the Eastern Area Agency on Aging.

Haley Ward employees were pleased to participate in the United Way of Eastern Maine Drive-Thru Food Drive benefitting the Good Shepherd Food Bank. Employees raised $525.00 in addition to food donations for this worthy cause.
All in all the United Way of Eastern Maine collected over 2,500 lbs of non-perishable food items, 50 lbs. of paper goods and over $600 dollars in monetary donations. Way to go!

Photo of back of car filled with groceries for the united way drive-thru food drive