photo of Chris Buckman, CG

Chris Buckman, PG

Regional Manager/Senior Project Geologist

Chris Buckman has over 20 years of experience performing environmental investigations and site characterization surveys.  This includes the design, acquisition, interpretation and reporting of geophysical investigations used to characterize the subsurface. His environmental and regulatory experience includes Superfund, CERCLA, RCRA, and compliance with state guidelines for known contaminants of concern and “emerging contaminants” (e.g. PFAS and 1,4-dioxane). Investigative experience includes the “ground truthing” of geophysical anomalies and the design of site investigation drilling and sampling strategies based on geophysical instrument response, project-specific requirements, existing site conditions, and state and federal regulations. He regularly works with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) and their site closure and Voluntary Response Action Program (VRAP) programs. Project locations have included over 35 contiguous US states, Central and South America, Philippines, United Kingdom, and Canada. The sites have included Superfund, landfills, rail facilities, power generation facilities, manufactured gas plants, residential and commercial properties, military installations, airports, mills, and mining encampments.

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