PFAS Removal from Drinking Water

Plymouth, Maine

Project Scope

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of human-made chemicals that have been widely used in industrial and consumer products for decades due to their water- and grease-resistant properties. Commonly found in nonstick cookware, firefighting foam, and waterproof fabrics, PFAS are often referred to as “forever chemicals” because they break down very slowly in the environment and can accumulate in water supplies. Studies have linked PFAS exposure to potential health risks, leading to increased regulatory efforts to limit their presence in drinking water.

Haley Ward, Inc. (Haley Ward) assisted the Plymouth Water District in Plymouth, Maine with implementing a solution to remove PFAS from their drinking water supply. The Plymouth Water District supplies drinking water via two groundwater wells and serves approximately 200 users.

Following the implementation of PFAS regulations in the State of Maine requiring testing, the Plymouth Water District found PFAS levels above the maximum contaminant level of 20 parts per trillion (ppt) for the sum of 6 regulated PFAS compounds. With the support of Haley Ward, the Plymouth Water District sought and received a Small Public Water System Emerging Contaminant (SPWSEC) Grant through the Maine Drinking Water Program to put toward the design, construction, and engineering services for removal of PFAS from their water supply.

The task of retrofitting a new PFAS removal treatment system into the existing water treatment system proved to be a bit of a challenge due to spatial constraints and operational considerations. Our Engineers, the Plymouth Water District, and the Plumbing Contractor worked collaboratively to meet the needs of the system within these project constraints.

Haley Ward has been involved every step of the way, from the initial conversations about water quality issues, to applying for the SPWSEC Grant, to the detailed design of the PFAS removal system, and through construction administration. Our team worked closely with the Plymouth Water District to develop a solution that meets their needs and addresses both existing and future regulatory requirements. By providing comprehensive support throughout the entire process, Haley Ward helped the Plymouth Water District provide safe, clean drinking water for its residents.



Grant Application Coordination

Environmental Review

Municipal Infrastructure Design

Construction Administration

Project Data

Wide range of consulting services Grant application coordination, environmental, municipal infrastructure, and construction administration to help provide clean drinking water.