Asbestos, Lead Based Paint and PCB Management

Addressing Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint (LBP) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in your facilities, or during a construction or renovation project require knowledge, technical expertise, and experience, which Haley Ward’s licensed professionals can provide. From initial investigations, budgeting, abatement/remediation, and daily Operations & Maintenance (O&M), Haley Ward has experience in a variety of sites including industrial sites, private property, and public properties. We work closely with our clients to achieve their specific goals and objectives in a sensible, efficient, and cost-effective manner.
Asbestos Management
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral which is typically found in a fibrous form. Asbestos fibers are strong and flexible, the fibers are resistant to heat, chemical exposures, and physical degradation. Such attractive characteristics have made the use of asbestos in building materials and industrial products common and widespread. Asbestos has been used (and some cases it is still being used) in thousands of products ranging from thermal system insulations to flooring, to cementitious wallboard and siding. While the use of asbestos in building materials and commercial products has been significantly reduced since the late 1970’s, asbestos containing products are still in use and are commonly found in commercial, industrial, institutional and residential environments. Asbestos is a known carcinogen and is well the known cause of mesothelioma, and asbestosis. These health conditions are typically associated with the inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers which have been disturbed as a result of renovation and construction activities, routine maintenance, and other occupant activities.
While current state or federal environmental and occupational regulations do not require the removal of asbestos-containing materials (ACM), these regulations require the use of effective management practices to prevent possible asbestos exposures. Such practices include identification of ACM present on or within structures prior to commencement of activities which could result in the disturbance or damage of ACM, development of management plans to properly address identification ACM, including labeling and routine periodic inspections.
Haley Ward personnel have been involved with management of ACM since the 1980’s. Our certified and licensed Asbestos Design Consultants, Inspectors and Asbestos Management Planners have worked throughout Maine and New England in a wide range of environments. Our experience ranges from performing inspections and designing complex abatement projects to completing Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) inspections, re-inspections and development and implementation of site-specific Operations & Management (O&M) plans.
Lead-Based Paint Management
Every year, children across the country are reported to have been poisoned by lead, with children under the age of six years at the highest risk of lead poisoning. While lead poisoning can be traced to many different sources, one of the most common causes of childhood lead poisoning is exposure to dust from lead-containing paint (i.e., Lead-based Paint (LBP)) in the home or other residential-type structure. Lead exposure in children can cause neurological damage that may result in learning disabilities and behavioral problems that last a lifetime.
Exposure to lead is most common in buildings built before 1950 (when paint contained up to 50 percent lead) and in buildings constructed before 1978 when repainting or remodeling work is completed. Given the relatively old housing inventory in New England, potential exposure to LBP is elevated. It is important to recognize the presence of LBP within residential structures, as well as identifying potential lead hazards. A lead hazard is any condition that may cause exposure to lead from lead-contaminated dust, lead-contaminated soil, lead-contaminated water, or LBP that is in poor condition.
Haley Ward has been working with municipalities, local housing authorities, government agencies, and homeowners for many years, assisting in identifying LBP and potential lead hazards, managing and evaluating lead remediation projects and completing post-remediation inspections and verification/clearance testing. We also complete LBP determinations, prior to commencement of renovation/demolition projects, to address potential occupational exposures to lead. Our certified and licensed Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor and Designer has over 25 years of experience in addressing lead management concerns in a variety of structures and settings. Out team also provides certification training and occupational awareness training for environmental professionals as well as construction workers.
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Management
PCBs were used as a plasticizer in caulk and in elastic sealant and coating materials, primarily from 1950 through 1978. the caulk/sealants/coatings were used in windows and associated window systems, door frames, stairways, masonry columns, and other masonry building materials and paints and coatings. In addition to caulks, sealants, and coatings, mixtures of PCBs were manufactured commercially in the United States 1977 and used as a transformer dielectric fluid because of their non=flammable nature and chemical stability. PCBs were widely used for about 50 years and produced under a variety of trade names, the most common of which were Askaral® and Pyranol®. In general, PCBs were not used in these materials after 1978.
Consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines, PCB containing materials having a PCB content of equal to or greater than 50.0 parts per million are classified as a hazardous waste and at this level, the materials containing PCBs are not considered to be an authorized use under the PCB regulations and must be removed. When removed, these materials are considered a controlled hazardous waste material under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). Contaminated soils or building materials resulting from exposure to PCB-containing materials, are considered to be regulated remediation wastes, and must also be managed under the TSCA regulations.
Haley Ward has worked in a variety of environments completing initial PCB assessments and delineation of PCB contamination, as well as developing USEPA required remediation work plans. We have also provided remediation project oversight and verification testing. Haley Ward is familiar with the USEPA PCB regulations and has worked successfully with the regulators to achieve successful and cost-effective remediation projects.
Compliance Experience
Our diverse experience in the areas of asbestos, lead based paint, and PCB management gives us a unique familiarity with the requirements of the work as well as the conditions and challenges faced during the completion. Our professionals have provided management consulting services to a wide range of municipal, industrial, public and private organizations since the 1980’s. Our clients rely on our ability to provide practical and cost-effective services to minimize disruption to their project.
Our team of professionals include:
- MDEP-Licensed Asbestos Inspectors,
- Asbestos Design Consultant, and
- Asbestos Management Planners
- MDEP-Licensed Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor, and Lead Design Consultant
“The quality of services Haley Ward provides the Maine Army National Guard (MEARNG) is integral in helping MEARNG maintain its facilities and ensure regulatory compliance. As the Hazardous Waste Manager or MEARNG I have used Haley Ward for over fifteen years and their knowledge and professionalism is top notch.”
Andrew Moore, CHMM – MEARNG
- UMFK – University of Maine – Fort Kent
- UMPI – University of Maine – Presque Isle
- City of Caribou