Wetland / Habitat Mapping / Delineation

At Haley Ward, we understand the critical role wetlands and habitats play in ecosystem health and biodiversity. Our mapping and delineation services go beyond mere compliance; we strive to be stewards of the environment. Whether you’re planning a construction project, conducting ecological research, or ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, our team is equipped to deliver precise and reliable wetland/habitat maps. Trust Haley Ward for services that not only meet regulatory requirements but also promote responsible environmental practices, fostering a harmonious coexistence between development and nature.
With a focus on environmental sustainability and regulatory compliance, our commitment to precision, coupled with a dedication to ecological integrity, sets us apart as a reliable partner for projects seeking to balance development goals with environmental responsibility. Choose Haley Ward for a seamless integration of expertise and technology in the service of preserving and understanding our natural habitats.
Project Strategy and Planning
- Land Use Planning and Design
- Multi-disciplinary Project Management
- Alternative Analysis
- Public Involvement and Facilitation
- Coastal and Waterfront Planning
- Mitigation and Compensation
Wetland and Natural Resources
- Wetland Delineation and Mapping
- Wetland Functional Assessment
Habitat Assessment and Inventory
- Vernal Pool Identification
- Eel Grass Surveys
- Significant Bird Habitat Identification
- Coastal Habitat Assessments
- GIS Mapping
Landfill and Transfer Station Site Investigations
- Soil and Water Sampling, Monitoring
- Soil/Groundwater Remediation Systems
- Vadose Zone Monitoring Systems
- Stormwater Management Evaluation
- Landfill Gas Monitoring