Bucksport Mill, LLC.
Bucksport, Maine

Project Scope
Haley Ward is providing a range of environmental and engineering consulting services to assist AIM Development USA as it navigates the pathways to successful redevelopment of the former Verso Paper Mill site in Bucksport through thoughtful planning and phased demolition of the former mill structures and management of the mill assets such as the associated landfill.
Consulting services have included:
- Develop permitting strategy for the proposed demolition, given community sensitivity;
- Preparation and submission of MDEP Site Location of Development Act (SLODA) amendment application and natural resource permitting as well as support throughout the application/permitting process;
- Completion of hazardous materials assessments (e.g., asbestos, and lead-based paint) for the impacted facility structures;
- Preparation of asbestos abatement specifications and contractor bidding documents;
- Preparation of demolition contractor specifications and contractor bidding documents;
- Completion of limited structural analyses;
- Preparation of partial RCRA hazardous waste closures;
- Stormwater management including the development of site-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans;
- Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) assessment and management;
- Wastewater Treatment System Operation;
- Regulatory compliance support and permitting;
- Communications and public outreach to support the redevelopment process; and
- Landfill management, permitting, inspections and annual monitoring.
Landfill management, permitting, inspections and annual monitoring.
Project Data
Wide Range of Consulting Services | Civil, Industrial Hygiene, Structural, Environmental Compliance |