PFAS Sampling & Analysis

Image of water being poured into a clear glass from a glass pitcher. The water in the glass is clear and clean and full of bubbles. The glass is atop a wooden table and the background of the image is blurry but is meant to depict the green leaves of trees in the distance. This image is being used to depict PFAS Sampling and Analysis at Haley Ward.
Clean water poured into a glass.

Haley Ward proudly presents industry-leading PFAS Sampling and Analysis services, offering a proactive approach to address emerging environmental concerns. With a deep understanding of the potential risks associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), our expert team utilizes state-of-the-art sampling techniques and advanced analytical methods to assess the presence and concentration of PFAS in various environmental matrices. Whether you’re dealing with contaminated sites, industrial facilities, or water sources, Haley Ward’s specialized services provide a comprehensive solution, ensuring accurate detection, quantification, and mitigation of PFAS contaminants.


In general, PFAS are a group of man-made chemicals found in:

  • Commonly used consumer products (e.g., food packaging and stain repellents)
  • Industrial chemicals (e.g., firefighting foam and commercial waxes/polishes)
  • Industrial waste and wastewater treatment byproducts (e.g., short paper fiber and biosolids)

These chemicals have been extensively researched and have been widely found in the agricultural, wastewater treatment, landfill, and stormwater systems throughout the United States and abroad. They enter the environment through air emissions, stormwater runoff, direct application, septic systems, and soil leaching to groundwater.


Haley Ward has extensive experience dealing with this “emerging” contaminant. We are assisting clients in several states with their site characterization requirements and assisting them in determining reasonable paths forward that meet both State and Federal regulatory guidelines.

Haley Ward can work with you on this new and far-reaching environmental compliance issue. If needed, we can also assist your facility with identifying potential compliance issues with other environmental regulations (e.g., chemical and/or toxic release inventory reporting, hazardous and universal waste management, waste disposal/discharges. air emissions, etc.)


  • Managing correspondence with Regulatory Agencies
  • Development of sampling protocols & analysis plans
  • Performing sampling & reporting
  • Evaluation of potential PFAS sources & migration pathways