Water Supply, Treatment, Storage, Distribution Controls & Monitoring

Haley Ward provides comprehensive engineering services for all facets of a municipal water system including water supply, treatment, storage, distribution, and monitoring. We routinely provide design and construction services for all of these areas. We have assisted communities with these services in a wide variety of municipalities throughout New England and Florida.
- Water-Main Design
- Analysis, Trenchless Rehabilitation, Cleaning &Cement-Lining
- System Hydraulic Model Development & Analysis
- Test Well Exploration
- Production Well Development Evaluation / Rehabilitation
- Aquifer & Surface Source Watershed Protection
- Zone II & III Analyses
- Sanitary Survey Support &Response
- PFAS Investigation &Treatment
- Groundwater Modeling
- Nitrogen Loading Analysis
- Contamination Investigation Site Design
- Groundwater Monitoring Program
- Environmental Monitoring& Assessments
- Pump Station Evaluation /Design / Renovation
- Instrumentation and Controls
- Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Development & Maintenance
- Facility Rehabilitation, Upgrades
- Asset Management
- System Storage Analysis,Quality & Water Age
- Coating System Inspections& Evaluation
- Design, Repair, Rehabilitation,Retrofit Mixing System Design
- Siting of Storage Facilities
- Storage Tank Design
- Cellular & CommercialCommunication Equipment onWater Storage Facilities
- Storage Tank Inspections
- Safety & Security Checks
- Grant Administration
- GIS, AutoCAD Mapping
- Hydrant Flow Tests
- O & M Manual Preparation
- Storage Tank Aeration& Mixing Systems